Although there are various types of kayaks, the main thing we are talking about here is recreational kayak.
Recreational kayaks are also called “basic kayaks.” As the name suggests, they are the easiest and easiest boats to operate without requiring much professional navigation knowledge.
There are two basic styles of recreational kayak: solo kayaks (only one person) or tandem kayaks (two people).
Kayaks also have two unique style terms of their own: “sit on top kayak” and “sit in kayak.” These two types of kayak combine the advantages of “rigid kayak” and “inflatable kayak”. “rigid kayak” are popular and can be launched directly into the water. Inflatable kayak are also popular. They can be folded up when not inflated, making them very convenient for transportation.
There are some differences between “sit on top kayak” and “sit in kayak”, but they still only have a lot in common.There are sealed compartments or storage compartments on the “cabin” for holding water bottles or sunscreen. Fixed handles are installed at the bow and stern of the boat. In addition, some sit in kayaks have some ropes for grabbing around them to facilitate the kayak. Able to become stable quickly. Some sit in kayaks also have rudders and fins. Although these are not very sophisticated equipment, they can better help the boat move in a straight line. We can control the rudder with our feet, allowing it to turn in all directions. “sit on top kayak” and “sit in kayak” have special seats, and some boats also provide backrests.
The most distinctive feature of the “sit in kayak” is its cockpit. There are water-blocking convex edges around the cabin, which helps prevent water from entering the cabin when rowing. In addition, there are foot pedals installed in the cabin, which can be adjusted according to the length of different rowers’ feet until they are in the best condition. Of course, the “sit on top kayak” also provides places for pedaling, but they are just grooves. Individual rowers can place their feet in the grooves at each level according to their own needs until they get the right fit. These grooves are so smooth and convenient that the rower does not need to make manual adjustments.
Things to note when kayaking:
1. First and foremost, please develop the habit of wearing a life jacket. If it is a team activity, all team members must wear life jackets.
2. Although the safety factor of platform boats is relatively large, try to avoid dangerous actions, such as standing and playing, to avoid capsizing.
3. To measure the optimal paddle pitch, you can lift the paddle above your head with both hands, with your elbow joints at a 90-degree angle. At this time, the distance between the two hands is the optimal paddle pitch. The width of the hand holding the paddle is about shoulder width. Row with the right side first. When the hand paddle is downward, the upper body naturally rotates to the right. The left arm is straightened to about shoulder height and extends across the hull to the right. When the right paddle is back, When you surface, naturally turn your body to the left, then paddle into the water with your left hand, move your right hand across the hull to the left, and use the foot pedal to increase strength (paddle with your right hand, use your right foot to push hard). When returning to the paddle, the height of the blade should not be Above shoulder height, the backstroke is just the opposite. The body should not swing up and down, but should swing parallel, trying to keep the center of gravity as stable as possible. Although platform boats have no special age requirements for participants, compared with ocean boats, they are easier to maneuver and less likely to capsize.
4. kayak is an outdoor sport. On sunny days in the summer, the reflection of the water surface is strong, which may cause some damage to the skin. It is best to apply sunscreen in advance and prepare sunscreen items.
5. When the external wind reaches level 3 or 4, the boat will generally not capsize and rowing will not be affected, but it will be relatively laborious. Do not get out of the boat if the wind is above level 4. If you encounter a thunderstorm while paddling, you should paddle to the shore as soon as possible to avoid becoming the highest point on the water to avoid being struck by lightning.
Note: Relax, keep a relaxed mood, and sway gently with the movement of the water.
It’s only a few steps from land to water, but the perspective has completely changed. What you see, hear, think, and feel are all new and surprising experiences!